Congratulations, soon-to-be mom! If you’re here, you’re probably juggling two of life’s biggest adventures: pregnancy and moving.

At Alliance Moving & Storage in Chicago, we totally get it — relocating while pregnant can feel like a lot. With all the physical changes, emotional ups and downs, and the logistical headache of moving, it’s no wonder you might feel a bit overwhelmed. But don’t worry — we're here to help pregnant women make residential moving as smooth as possible.

Whether you’re just entering your first trimester or counting down the days until your due date, these tips are designed to help you tackle the challenges of moving while pregnant with ease.

1. Schedule Your Move Around Your Due Date

When you’re expecting, timing is everything — especially when it comes to moving. Getting organized with a solid timeline will make the whole process so much smoother.

Here’s a handy timeline to keep you on track:

Time Frame Tasks
3-4 Months Before Due Date
  • Start researching and selecting reputable moving companies.
  • Begin decluttering by sorting through your belongings.
  • Organize and categorize items you plan to keep, donate, or discard.
  • Create a moving budget and start setting aside funds if necessary.
2-3 Months Before
  • Begin packing non-essential items that you won’t need immediately.
  • Schedule your move
  • with a professional moving company.
  • Finalize your choice of moving company and confirm your moving date.
  • Notify important parties of your upcoming address change, including banks, employers, and subscription services.
1-2 Months Before
  • Complete the majority of your packing, focusing on items you use less frequently.
  • Arrange for utilities to be disconnected at your current home and connected at your new residence.
  • If desired, schedule cleaning services for both your old and new homes to reduce your workload.
2-4 Weeks Before
  • Move into your new home and begin unpacking essential items first.
  • Set up key areas such as the bedroom and kitchen to make your new space functional quickly.
  • Start exploring and getting to know your new neighborhood to help you feel more at home.
1 Month After
  • Focus on settling into your new home and preparing for your baby’s arrival.
  • Finish unpacking and organizing your belongings to create a comfortable living environment.
  • Take time to rest and adjust to your new surroundings

Important Reminder: Every pregnancy is unique. It’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider about any moving restrictions, especially if you’re in your third trimester or have a high-risk pregnancy. Your doctor can provide personalized advice to ensure your safety during the move.

2. Hire a Full-Service Moving Company for Your Pregnancy Move

The last thing you need right now is to be lifting heavy boxes or stressing about how to fit your couch through the door. That’s where we step in. Our Chicago full-service moving company specializes in making moves easier for moms-to-be. Whether it’s a local move or a long-distance relocation, we have your back.

Here’s how we make it happen:

  • Professional packing services: We’ll pack up your belongings with the care they deserve, ensuring everything arrives safe and sound.
  • Loading and unloading of the moving truck: Leave the back-breaking work to us. We’ve got the muscle to handle it.
  • Furniture disassembly and reassembly: We’ll take care of disassembling and reassembling your furniture so you don’t have to lift a finger.
  • Careful handling of fragile items: Those delicate pieces that you love? We’ll treat them like our own.
  • Specialized equipment: We come prepared with the right equipment to make your move quick and efficient.
  • Heavy items moving: From pianos to gym equipment, we’ve got the expertise to move it all without breaking a sweat (probably).

We’re here to adapt to your needs, offering customized services that take the stress out of moving, so you can focus on you and your baby.

3. Declutter Like a Pro Before You Pack

Let’s be real — moving is the perfect excuse to declutter and start fresh. And with a baby on the way, it’s even more important to create a space that feels calm and organized.

Here’s how to tackle the clutter without losing your mind:

  • ‍Start Early: As soon as you know you’re moving, start sorting through your stuff. No need to rush; just chip away at it bit by bit.
  • ‍One Room at a Time: Don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to do it all at once. Focus on one room, get it done, and then move on.
  • ‍Three Pile Rule: As you go through each item, sort it into one of three piles:
Three-Pile Method for Your Move During Pregnancy
  1. ‍Keep: These are the things you absolutely love and need.
  2. ‍Donate: Items in good condition that you no longer use.
  3. ‍Toss: Stuff that’s worn out, broken, or just doesn’t serve you anymore.
  • ‍Think About Your New Space: Consider the size and layout of your new home. If you’re downsizing, be ruthless in what you choose to bring along.
  • ‍Future-Proof: Keep the baby in mind — what will you need soon, even if you don’t use it right now?
  • ‍Sentimental Stuff: It’s okay to hold onto things with meaning, but try to limit it. Take photos of items you want to remember but don’t necessarily need to keep.‍
  • Ask for Help: Get friends or family involved. Sometimes an outside perspective can help you make those tough decisions.‍
  • Organize as You Go: As you decide what to keep, organize it into categories to make packing (and unpacking) a breeze.

Clearing out the clutter will make your move easier and give you a fresh start in your new home — just in time for your new arrival.

4. Pack Smart and Label Everything

Efficient packing can make unpacking in your new home much easier, which is crucial when you're preparing for a baby.

Here’s how to keep things organized and stress-free:

  • ‍Invest in Sturdy Boxes: Don’t skimp on quality moving boxes — they’re your best defense against crushed belongings. Plus, lighter boxes are easier on you, especially if you’re doing some lifting yourself.
  • ‍Go Room by Room: Pack one room at a time to keep things organized. Trust us, it’ll make unpacking way less chaotic when everything’s already grouped together.
  • ‍Label Like a Pro: Don’t just slap a label on — be specific! Mark each box with what’s inside and where it’s going in the new house. Pro tip: Number the boxes and keep an inventory list so you know exactly what’s where.
  • ‍Create a Must-Have Box: Pack a box with all the essentials you’ll need as soon as you arrive — think toiletries, a fresh outfit, important documents, and a few kitchen basics. You’ll thank yourself later.
  • ‍Color-Code for Sanity: Assign a color to each room and use matching tape or stickers on your boxes. It’s a lifesaver when you’re directing movers or finding things in a sea of boxes.
  • ‍Keep That Hospital Bag Handy: Pack your hospital bag early and keep it clearly labeled. Everyone involved in the move should know exactly where it is, just in case.
  • ‍Use Proper Moving Supplies: Bubble wrap, packing paper, wardrobe boxes — make sure you’re using the right tools for the job. Your stuff deserves it.
  • ‍Hold Off on Sealing Boxes: Keep boxes open until you’re 100% sure you’ve packed everything from that area. This way, you can easily toss in those last-minute items without having to reopen everything.
  • ‍Document Your Electronics: Snap photos of your electronics’ wiring setups before you disassemble them. It’ll make putting them back together a breeze.
  • ‍Keep Cleaning Supplies Accessible: Pack a separate box with your go-to cleaning products for any last-minute touch-ups. Trust us, you’ll want these on hand

5. Prep Your Hospital Bag Early (Like, Really Early)

.Moving while pregnant? You’ve got enough on your plate, so pack that hospital bag way ahead of time and keep it within arm’s reach.

Here’s what to throw in:

  • Cozy clothes for labor and post-delivery — comfort is key!
  • Your favorite toiletries and personal care items (because you deserve to feel like yourself)
  • All the important docs: ID, insurance card, birth plan, you name it
  • Snacks and drinks to keep you fueled
  • Baby’s first outfit and any essentials for your little one

6. Make the Nursery Your First Priority

As soon as you’re in your new home, get that nursery set up stat. Not only will it help you scratch that nesting itch, but it’ll also ensure you’re ready to welcome your little one without any last-minute panic.

Here’s your nursery setup checklist:

  • Put together the crib and all the key furniture pieces
  • Get those baby clothes washed, folded, and organized
  • Set up your changing station with all the essentials within easy reach
  • Baby-proof the room — because you can never be too prepared
  • Create a cozy vibe with soft lighting and a comfy chair for those late-night feedings

7. Listen to Your Body: Take Breaks and Stay Hydrated

Moving is tough on anyone, but when you’re pregnant, it’s even more crucial to take care of yourself.

Here’s how to keep your energy up and your stress levels down:

  • Take Plenty of Breaks: You’re growing a human — give yourself permission to rest often.
  • Stay Hydrated: Keep a water bottle close by and sip on it throughout the day. Staying hydrated is key to keeping your energy up.
  • Eat Well: Don’t skip meals. Keep your body fueled with nutritious snacks and meals.
  • Listen to Your Body: If you’re feeling tired or overwhelmed, take a step back. It’s okay to ask for help — you don’t have to do it all.

8. Familiarize Yourself with Your New Neighborhood

Moving to a new area? Take some time to explore your new Chicago neighborhood — especially with a baby on the way.

Here’s what to check out:

  • Locate the Nearest Hospital and Emergency Services: Better safe than sorry, right?
  • Find a New OB-GYN: If you need one, make it a priority to find a doctor you’re comfortable with.
  • Explore Local Parks and Family Spots: Discover where you’ll be taking those future stroller walks and playdates.
  • Pinpoint Nearby Grocery Stores and Pharmacies: Knowing where to grab groceries or pick up a prescription will make your life so much easier once you’re settled.

9. Embrace the Help from Friends and Family

Don’t be shy about leaning on your support network during this big transition. Your friends and family are more than willing to help out with:

  • ‍Packing and Unpacking: Let them take over the packing process so you can focus on staying comfortable.
  • Childcare: Have them watch your older children while you manage the move. This gives you one less thing to worry about.
  • Meal Prep: A homemade meal can be a lifesaver when you’re busy moving. Let your loved ones handle dinner.
  • Running Errands: From picking up last-minute packing supplies to grabbing a snack, they can handle it.

Remember that it's perfectly okay to ask for help – your loved ones want to support you during this exciting time.

10. Practice Self-Care Throughout the Moving Process

Moving while pregnant can be overwhelming, so it’s essential to keep self-care at the top of your list.

Here are some strategies to help you stay centered:

  • Relaxation Techniques: Deep breathing, prenatal yoga, or even a warm bath can work wonders for stress.
  • Keep Up with Prenatal Appointments: Your health is a top priority, so don’t skip those check-ups.
  • Get Plenty of Sleep: Rest is crucial, especially now. Make sure you’re getting enough shut-eye.
  • Enjoy “Me Time”: Whether it’s reading, watching your favorite show, or just taking a walk, make time for activities that bring you joy.
  • Connect with Other Moms: Building a support system in your new neighborhood can help you feel more at home.

Let Us Carry the Load While You Carry Your Little One

Moving while pregnant might sound like a lot, but it doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. With a solid plan, some extra hands, and a positive mindset, you can turn what feels like a daunting task into a smooth and even enjoyable transition.

Follow our tips, get professional moving help, and focus on what truly matters – preparing for your new baby and creating a comfortable home for your family. Reach out to us in Chicago today for a personalized moving plan that caters to your needs as an expectant mother.