Whether you’re a first-time homeowner, seasoned renter, or part of the snowbird crowd, you’re probably familiar with the many things to think about when planning a move. But when winter rolls around, the weather adds a whole new layer of challenges. Moving in the cold can feel daunting, but with some planning and forethought, you can make it a smooth and stress-free experience.

Drawing from our years of experience as licensed movers (and plenty of winter moves), here are 10 tips to help you make your winter move as fast and seamless as possible, no matter how cold it gets.

1. Hire a Professional Winter Moving Company

We’re not just saying this because we’re a moving company  —  it’s smart to hire professional, licensed movers, especially during the summer or winter. Extreme weather, whether it’s snow or heat, adds an extra layer of difficulty to any move. From packing the moving truck to unloading at your new location, a move-in day will go off without a hitch. Professional movers are also trained to handle slippery sidewalks, heavy lifting, and the challenges that come with moving during the coldest months.

2. Shovel and Salt Walkways for Safety

Don’t forget to keep things safe outside while you're packing up inside! Make sure to shovel and salt any walkways, sidewalks, and driveways where you, your family, or your movers will be walking. Ice and snow can be dangerous, so protecting everyone from slipping is key. Plus, it’s always a good idea to keep a first aid kit handy  —  just in case someone takes a tumble.

3. Protect Your Moving Boxes

Wet cardboard is never a good thing, and winter weather can easily turn your boxes into a soggy mess. To avoid damaging your belongings, invest in high-quality, moving boxes and materials that can withstand snow, rain, or whatever else winter throws at you. That extra investment in durable boxes will help keep your items safe, even if your move starts looking like a scene from Frozen.

4. Protect Your Electronics from Temperature Changes

When packing for a winter move, it’s crucial to take special care with electronics, especially items like TVs, computers, and other sensitive devices. Sudden temperature changes can cause condensation inside your electronics, which might damage them. We recommend wrapping these items in blankets or bubble wrap for extra insulation and keeping them in climate-controlled environments as much as possible. Once you arrive at your new home, let them warm up gradually before plugging them in to avoid any issues.

5. Use Plastic Bins for Sensitive Items

For items that are particularly sensitive to moisture  —  like important documents, electronics, or delicate fabrics  —  consider using plastic bins instead of cardboard boxes. Plastic bins are waterproof and offer extra protection against snow, sleet, or unexpected spills during the move. This extra precaution can prevent damage and keep your belongings safe throughout the process.

6. Protect Your Floors from Snow and Mud

We all know that winter means one thing: lots of snow, slush, and mud getting tracked indoors. With movers (and maybe friends or family) coming in and out all day, your floors are at serious risk of getting dirty or even damaged.

A simple solution? Lay down some protective materials when packing and unpacking like old cardboard, rugs, or even car mats you’re planning to toss later. This way, you can keep your floors clean and avoid dealing with stains while you’re trying to unpack and settle in.

7. Get Plenty of Sleep Before Moving Day

We know  —  sleep might not be something you’ve written on your moving checklist, but trust us, it’s more important than you think! Moving is physically and mentally exhausting, and when the winter weather hits, your body can tire out faster than usual.

Cold weather, shorter days, and the constant opening of doors letting in chilly air can wear you down quickly. So, before the big day, make sure you’re well-rested. A good night’s sleep will give you the energy to keep warm, stay focused, and handle the move without feeling totally wiped out.

8. Watch the Weather

Winter weather can be a bit unpredictable, and the last thing you want is to be caught off guard by a snowstorm or icy conditions. Keep a close eye on the weather forecast in the days leading up to your move. If it looks like snow or ice is coming, be prepared to make adjustments to your moving schedule.

Flexibility is key here  —  you may need to reschedule to avoid dangerous conditions. And if it’s going to be especially cold, having a space heater handy can make a big difference when you’re unpacking in a chilly new home.

9. Set Up Your Utilities Beforehand

One of the worst mistakes you can make during a winter move? Forgetting to set up your utilities! Imagine arriving at your new home only to realize there’s no heat or electricity  —  yikes. Don’t let that happen.

Make sure to arrange for your utilities to be turned on before you move in. Some utility companies only set things up during regular business hours on weekdays, so if you’re moving over a weekend, plan ahead. Having your heat, water, and electricity ready to go will make your new place feel cozy and welcoming from the moment you walk in.

10. Keep Warm Drinks and Snacks Nearby

Let’s be honest  —  moving is hard work, and when you add cold winter weather into the mix, it can be downright exhausting. That’s why it’s a great idea to keep a thermos of hot coffee, tea, or cocoa close by to warm everyone up. Pair that with some snacks to keep your energy levels high throughout the day, and you’ll be in good shape.

Regular breaks for warm drinks and refueling are essential, especially when you’re working in freezing temperatures. A little treat and warmth can go a long way toward keeping you (and your helpers) motivated and comfortable during the move.

Why Should You Consider Moving During the Winter Months?

Benefits of Moving During Winter

Are you and your family considering winter moving but haven’t decided when is the best time? Moving in the winter, though cold, snowy, and prone to other bad weather, may prove to be the least expensive and most efficient season to do so! Below, we discuss the five greatest advantages that come with moving during this time of the year.


The pendulum swings both ways with realty in the winter. Fewer people are looking to purchase a home and more sellers whose homes have been on the market for longer than desired are ready to move out. There are a few ways in which this circumstance is for your benefit.


With a smaller market for sellers to cater to, your chances of putting an offer on a home against another bid are lower than in the warmer seasons. This is one major benefit of winter moving. The winter takes place during the school season, making it a great contributing factor to families who decide to postpone their house hunting until school is out for summer. Especially if the new home is in a different school district, families don’t want the hassle of registering their children mid-year.


For first-time or seasoned homeowners, there are many advantages to negotiating your home purchase. If you play your cards right, you may be able to ask the homeowner to split the closing costs, leave the appliances, or repaint the master bedroom from a tomato red or lime green to a neutral color! It’s always free to ask, but don’t be extravagant in your requests, otherwise, the seller may back away from your offer.


If you prefer to close on the house before the neighborhood synchronizes its exterior Christmas decorations, moving during the winter may give you some leeway in asking for specific closing time frames. Especially if you are in transition from renting to purchasing, the seller may offer some flexibility in the closing date so that you are moved and settled in by the time your apartment’s lease ends.


Banks have less paperwork to process when fewer loan applications are submitted. This could save you and your family valuable time while waiting for the checks and credit histories to clear.


Winter weather can expose many underlying issues on home property. Whether purchasing a home built in 2015 or 1975, you’ll want to make sure your home inspection uncovers anything wrong with the infrastructure. During a home inspection, be sure to check for the following:

  • Air leaks
  • Infrastructure not built according to code
  • Heating system insufficiencies
  • Clogged or unsafe chimneys
  • Roof leaks and ice dams
  • Clogged gutters
  • Burst pipes or in-ground automatic sprinklers
  • Tree branches too close to the house

Finding any issues with the house before your closing date could save you hundreds or potentially thousands of dollars depending on the severity of the issue. Additionally, even if you walk away from the home in search of another, at least the homeowner has been made aware of the issue and can repair it for the next homeowner.


Who doesn’t love getting a tax break? One of the most financially beneficial elements to moving at the end of the year is that you don’t have as long of a wait to receive your tax returns. Purchasing a home seems unbearably expensive when you add closing costs, moving expenses, and repairs for anything that conveniently breaks down the second week of owning the home. Receiving a tax credit just a few months after moving as opposed to waiting an entire year could make the difference between investing in your home with extra money or building debt by covering out-of-pocket expenses.


We know that with moving in the winter comes the possibility of icy roads or snowstorms. There are many logistic and easy-to-follow tips available on how to safely move during the winter season. Aside from the concern of road safety, moving during the winter can be beneficial for your items in transit.


The summer is proven to be one of the busiest times of the year for moving companies. With a slower rate of incoming move requests, the hired movers will not have to balance multiple jobs in a day. Combining that with the lessened amount of sunlight, movers may only be able to book one or two moves a day. With that in mind, the laborers will not be as worn down from previous heavy-lifting jobs and can serve you with more care and energy.


Your summer moving day could easily go awry if you forgot to put the box with perishable foods in your car and mistakenly placed it in the moving truck. During the winter, the likelihood of food spoiling or plastic items melting due to the outdoor elements is incredibly slim. For those who


Similar to the reduced competition to buy homes, moving during the winter results in a wider availability for your professional movers, especially if you plan to move during the middle of the month. Winter moving could be beneficial for those who cannot take any additional time off work and need to move over the weekend.

Alliance Moving & Storage: Your Winter Move Experts

As a seasoned and premier moving company in Chicago, you can rest assured knowing that at Alliance Moving & Storage, we specialize in both residential and commercial moves, no matter if it's a long-distance haul or moving you and your family or business over to the next neighborhood. Regardless of the various extremities of weather conditions such as rain, sleet, snow, night, or sunshine, we have it covered with our expert relocation specialists and movers – contact us now.